Performance & Leadership Coaching

Hi, I'm Linnet Jurutka
Coach, Trainer & Mentor

Do you want to grow as a business leader, become more effective and claim back your time & energy?

Then you're in the right place!

How can I best support you? Let's talk.


We'll develop effective strategies and solutions that save you time consistently.


We'll identify the key areas that will raise the performance of your business.


We'll ensure you have all the skills you need to be the best Leader for your business.

There's so much you want to get done...

To succeed in business, it’s important to set ambitious goals.

If “just working harder” is your strategy, you’ll eventually hit a limit: the point where you simply can’t do any more.

A team that works well together can become greater than the sum of it’s parts.

When you bring different personalities and skill sets together, they can create fantastic outcomes. But that often depends on the right leadership.

Leadership is an essential skill in business that you can’t afford to ignore. 

The good news is: you don’t have to figure it out yourself!

Moving ahead gets much easier when you have the right support.

  • Do you want to be successful?
  • Do you want to enjoy your work?
  • Do you want your team to be motivated and productive?
  • Do you want to have more time to focus on the important things?

YES! To all of the above. I’m here to help!

When you think about your business...

How do you want to feel?

  • You know exactly what you want to achieve and how to get there.
  • Your mindset is your friend. You know how to be smart, productive and effective!
  • Your team and you know, that you can always rely on each other.
  • Your leadership role feels like a good fit.
  • You have great ideas and know exactly how to get your team on board to make them happen.
  • You know that your ability to communicate will get you through even the most difficult situations.
  • You know how to handle challenges calmly and effectively.
  • You’re at peace with yourself. You love your work and the people you work with.


average increase in productivity
when training is combined with coaching.

Source: The Personnel Management Association, internal report


of employers see coaching as having a positive or very positive impact on the wider business.

Source: randstad enterprise

up to 700%

ROI (return on investment) reported by
companies that invested in coaching.

Source: ICF Global Coaching Study 2009

Suitable for all experience levels

My coaching framework is designed in a way that it can be applied at any level. Whether you are starting your leadership role or you are already an experienced people leader.

Qualified & Experienced Support

In addition to my professional qualifications, I bring many years of practical experience, so we are not just talking about theory, but also about practical ways to apply what you learn in real life.

Stronger in all areas

We bring our personality into every situation in life. While leadership coaching and training is mostly focused on your work environment, all the skills you develop will likely have a positive effect on other areas of your life as well.

Flexible Scheduling

Super busy? No problem. Our sessions are scheduled to suit your needs, with the flexibility to accommodate special requirements.

Client Voices

Does this sound familiar?

  • You work hard for your success but often wonder how you can get any further when you’re already at your limits?
  • You’re definitely a hard worker, but there are some things you’re procrastinating on because you just don’t want to deal with them?
  • You appreciate your team, but there are moments when you wonder if they actually like working here?
  • You get so caught up in managing the team and dealing with daily business that you don’t have enough time left for your own priorities?
  • In some situations, you just feel like you’re carrying all the weight alone?
  • You feel like you spend more time fighting fires (big or small) in your daily business than planning for the future?

Then you’re in the right place!


3 Strategies to leverage your potential

1. Self Leadership: We’ll develop solutions that align with who you are and what you want to achieve. Most of all, we will hone the skills that support you on your path of becoming an even better leader.

2. Team Leadership: You’ll get support in building and nurturing your team, so that they can grow and develop alongside you. We’ll look at ways of fostering engagement and performance – without any unnecessary stress or dama. 

3. Business Leadership: Leadership isn’t just about managing people. You have a business to run and that plays a big part in the goals that you pursue and the decisions you make. We’ll make sure that all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.


About me

With 25 years of experience in the business world, I truly understand the challenges my clients face.

I love supporting my clients in creating innovative solutions and using my expertise to help bring them to life.

My own leadership journey began in Project Management and later transitioned to heading Business & HR. I went from being an employee, to being a people leader, to supporting people leaders and top management, which gave me a well-rounded perspective on the different interests at play.

Working with countless colleagues, leaders, and clients has taught me a lot. Most of all, I’ve had to face my own challenges throughout this time! We often grow most from the obstacles we face.

I’m passionate about discovering what drives performance and effective leadership. Honestly, I can’t imagine doing anything else.

So it was only natural, that coaching became the next step in my career.

I’m continually educating myself and I devour everything I can get my hands on in relation to personal development. Some might say I’m a bit obsessed. 😉

As a certified Coach and Trainer, I’m dedicated to helping my clients reach their full potential.

Ready to join me?

Are we a match?

This is for you, if...

  • You genuinely want to make improvements for yourself and for other stakeholders in your business.
  • You’re willing to invest time & effort to create these improvements.
  • You’re ready to be open and honest with yourself.
  • You’re willing to engage in the process and try new things.

What I don't offer...

  • Fixing other people that don’t behave in a desired way 
  • “how to manipulate others to do what I want”
  • Dubious business tactics
  • Short term solutions that come back to bite you in the long run


successful & happy

Book your free introduction call to discuss your best option.


You have a specific issue that needs attention right now? You don’t have time to focus on what’s next until this one thing is out of the way?

Let’s tackle this!

597 + VAT
  • Core issue questionnaire
  • 1 deep-dive session (90 minutes)
  • 1 follow-up session (30 minutes)

performance in action

Change happens over time. You’re looking for ongoing support to help you deal with the challenges as they come up?

The most popular package.

697 +VAT per month
  • 1:1 coaching
  • 2 monthly sessions (90 minutes)
  • progress tracking
  • additional resources
  • 6 months minimum

the intensive

You’re ready to make changes and look at the key elements in your business that will create the future you want. Now is the time.

Let’s get you set up!

2497 +VAT
  • 1:1 coaching
  • 1 goal setting session (90 minutes)
  • 8 weekly sessions (60 minutes)
  • individual success plan
  • additional resources

Next Steps


Let’s get to know each other first in your free introductory call. Only then will we decide if we’re a good fit and want to work together.


In our coaching sessions, we will develop strategies for your goals and track their implementation together. 


There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing clients sit in front of me, beaming while they share their insights and successes!

Got Questions?

For the first 3 months, we’ll typically meet for a weekly session to get you set up in all areas. After that most clients stay on for long-term support with 2 sessions per month.

If you want to grow into a leadership position or have a particular issue that I can help with, let’s talk. I’ll be honest with you about whether I believe I can help you with your specific goals.

Yes, let’s talk about what it is you need, and I’ll provide you with a tailored offer.

Na klar! Auch wenn ich international arbeite, ist meine Basis hier in Deutschland und ich unterstütze gerne meine Kunden auch auf Deutsch. Schau gerne auch auf die deutsche Version meiner Homepage (einfach auf die Flagge im Menü klicken).

Das kommt darauf an, woran wir arbeiten und wie oft wir uns sehen. Die Details besprechen wir gerne im ersten, kostenlosen Kennenlerngespräch. 

Ja, auf meinen Rechnungen wird die Umsatzsteuer ausgewiesen. 


Hol dir meine 11 besten Tipps für schwierige Gespräche

Niemand freut sich auf unangenehme Gespräche. 

Manche Menschen schieben diese Gespräche vor sich her, werden zunehmend gestresst und agieren letztendlich dann nach dem Motto “Augen zu und durch”. 

Im Gespräch finden sie dann oft nicht die richtigen Worte und statt ihre Ziele zu erreichen, verursachen sie Unmut oder gar ungewollte Konflikte, die häufig weiteren Aufwand nach sich ziehen.

Damit dir das nicht passiert, habe ich meine 11 besten Tipps für schwierige Gespräche in einem PDF zusammengefasst.

Damit dann wirklich alles rund läuft, gibt es als Bonus noch eine schnelle Checkliste dazu. 

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